We work alongside companies to develop strategies that make a difference in sustainable ways, which fit the ethos and objectives of the companies we work with. Directly this enhances the reputation of the company and strengthens its brand and the staff community. Every business has a remit to do good, put something back, but it can be challenging to create and facilitate models that promote meaningful work. Where the sharing and gain is mutual. We specialise in creating frameworks that suit your company, whilst maximising and utilising your corporate and individual skills and availability.
We have seen the most impact when working with the following social groups:
- Young People, schools and education
- Elderly
- Refugees
- Young women
We are able to support with every step of the project, from creation to internal planning, training, introductions to the partners, managing & delivering the project and evaluating. Believing that once a successful structure is in place, it can be a model that will be used year after year.